Strategic planning
Annual reporting
Tenancy survey reports
Tenants, tenacity, troubles and triumph
To mark our 40th anniversary in 2021 Dwell commissioned James Brown to write this history.
Tenants, tenacity, troubles and triumph
More than a landlord
In celebration of the Wellington Housing Trust's 25th anniversary in 2006, WHT commissioned Wellington public historian Ben Schrader to write More than a Landlord – a short history of Wellington Housing Trust.
More than a Landlord: 2007-2012
In 2012 an accompanying update to this publication, More than a Landlord: 2007-2012, was written by Louise Slocombe to celebrate the Trust's 30th anniversary.
More than a landlord: 2007-2012
Homes that people can afford: how to improve housing in New Zealand
This book focuses on the concept of partnership to increase investment in affordable housing and is based on presentations and debate from a one-day workshop held in the University of Otago, Wellington in June 2012 - Partnerships for Social and Affordable Housing.
The Wellington Housing Trust was invited by Prof Philippa Howden-Chapman to contribute to the book and the resulting chapter "More than a landlord: realising the potential of the community housing sector" was written by trustee Clare Aspinall, director Alison Cadman and supporter Louise Carrington.
Bibliographic details:
Homes that people can afford: how to improve housing in New Zealand.
Sarah Biere, Philippa Howden-Chapamn and Lisa Early (eds).
New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities / He Kainga Oranga - Housing and Research Health Programme, 2013.