Building homes, communities, and futures.
We provide affordable, quality homes where people flourish. We are more than a landlord - we ensure our tenants have access to the support they need to live well, do well and be well.
Who is eligible and how to apply?
Who is eligible to rent Dwell housing?
People on a low income who are unable to house themselves and are on the public housing register.
How do I apply for Dwell housing?
You need to be listed on the social housing register which is managed by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD).
How do I list myself on the MSD public housing register?
Applications for the MSD social housing register are managed by Work and Income New Zealand. Visit the Work and Income housing page for information on the application process.
Where are Dwell's homes located?
We have homes in Berhampore, Brooklyn, Island Bay, Kilbirnie, Lower Hutt, Lyall Bay, Miramar, Newtown, Te Aro, Titahi Bay and Wadestown.
How long does it take to get a Dwell home?
We cannot tell you if or when you may get offered a home with us. We have a limited number of homes, a low turnover of tenants and there is a lot of need for our homes. When a home becomes available, we seek applications through MSD from the public housing register that would be suitable for the available home.
I need accommodation in a hurry - can you help?
We don't provide emergency accommodation. If you require immediate assistance, please see the housing provider section further down the page for a list of emergency accommodation options in the Wellington Region.

Other housing options
Dwell provides other housing options, in addition to those accessed via the social housing register.
Te Aro Pā Papakāinga
Te Aro Pā is Wellington’s first city papakāinga. Papakāinga translates as ‘nurturing place to return to’ and reflects a type of housing development that is located on multiply-owned Māori or ancestral land. Dwell is managing the homes on behalf of the Te Aro Pā Whenua Trust which represents the collective owners of the land.
Te Aro Pā Whenua Trust have developed a contemporary kāinga (village) made up of fourteen homes - ten three-bedroom units and four one-bedroom units. These are rental homes for young families, kaumātua and professionals who have a connection to the original Ngāti Ruanui and Taranaki Iwi people of Te Aro Pā.
For more information please visit our Te Aro Pā Trust page.
Supportive Housing
Dwell’s supportive housing is shared housing for people with additional needs, primarily people living with a mental illness. Dwell takes applications for supportive housing directly so if you are interested in this service please get in touch.
Shared home ownership
Dwell’s shared home ownership programme provides support for people to purchase their own home. The programme is designed for families who want to own their own home but can’t afford to buy it on their own without a reasonable level of financial or non financial support. For more information, please visit our shared home ownership page.

Other social & emergency housing providers
Dwell does not provide emergency housing. If you need immediate support or require a safe environment for you and your family please contact one of the following providers.
Kāinga Ora
City Housing - Wellington City Council
Aro Mai, Housing First Collaboration Wellington
Atareira (formerly Easy Access Housing)
The Salvation Army
Wellington City Mission
Women's Refuges in Wellington