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March 2025 - Autumn Edition Newsletter
We're committed to keeping you informed throughout the year. Our seasonal newsletters will bring you timely updates for spring, summer, autumn, and winter, ensuring you're always in the loop with the latest news and updates relevant to each season. Don't miss out on our quarterly updates.
Read our Summer newsletter now to stay informed and connected with our community.
An interview with Rachael Wise, Navigation Financial Partners, on her pro-bono work for Dwell Housing Trust
It isn’t just donations that charities need to keep going, but the professional skills of people in our community that are looking to give back. One such professional is Rachael Wise (Navigation Financial Partners) who has 25 years of banking and finance experience and has lent those skills to Dwell. Since April last year, Rachael has gifted us a few hours per week of her time – completely pro-bono – helping create a more sustainable future for Dwell and those that rely on us.
Why Rachael chose to give back
Rachael has spent decades navigating the intricacies of finance, from industry trends to bank terminology and lending arrangements. She knows how to cut through jargon and ambiguity, ensuring that businesses and individuals get the best financial outcomes. But after years of working with a multitude of different organisations, she wanted to use her expertise for a different kind of impact.
"Wellington is my home and I love this city, so I wanted to give back to Wellington"
Rachael shared that while donations help organisations contribute to the growth of our city, offering expertise can sometimes provide a more meaningful and lasting impact, and that contribution can be just as valuable.
What she gained in return
Providing financial expertise to Dwell wasn’t just about helping others—it became a deeply rewarding experience for Rachael as well. "I feel proud of what we’ve achieved for Dwell” she said. Rachael also supported Mary Potter Hospice with similar financial expertise and through that association was introduced to the Dwell Board. She says, "This work has been a catalyst for me to do more for the community”. Rachael pointed out that as we get older, our idea of success evolves, particularly as you witness others struggles. For her the idea of legacy has become about creating a successful business which has then enabled her to give back to the wider community.
Why pro bono work matters
Rachael points out that financial knowledge is power, and by sharing it with organisations like ours, it helps shift the balance, making financial security more accessible to those who need it most. "When we all succeed, people thrive," Rachael noted. "New Zealand is a small country—we have to help each other or risk falling behind."
Rachael’s story is a reminder that pro bono work isn’t just about charity—it’s an opportunity to use your skills in a meaningful way and create lasting impact for your community. If you're a professional looking for a way to give back, we’d love to hear from you.
For more ways to support Dwell visit
Thanks to Rachael and Navigation Financial Partners for this incredible gift of expertise.
"What is great about Rachael is not just her fantastic financial expertise and insider knowledge on how lending institutions work, but the alignment of her values with ours. She assisted us with a project that needed purpose-led decision-making, and she has delivered a great result for our organisation. We are so honored to have benefitted from her incredible generosity." Says Dwell CE Liz Lester.

Dwell in the media - Feb 2025
There has been a lot of media about social housing in the last few weeks and Dwell has been on air and in print responding to government announcements.
Advocating for Communities
Dwell's response to Kainga Ora cutting costs - see RNZ article and audio clip from Morning Report.
In today’s climate, managing resources better can only be a good thing. But not if it comes at the expense of New Zealanders having a roof over their heads.
With New Zealand’s public housing sitting at only 3.8% of our total stock compared to the UK’s 18%, it's clear that solving the housing crisis boils down to one simple formula: SUPPLY.
We know that while social housing may have higher upfront costs, investing in durable, high-quality homes provides a social return on investment in the long run and, most importantly, provides every New Zealander with a safe, warm, and affordable place to live with dignity.
Ready to Build
Dwell has responded to the delay in the government allocating 1500 income related rent subsidy places to community housing providers - see RNZ article and audio clip from Morning Report.
We were thrilled when this Government expressed support for community housing. However, there’s a notable disconnect between the Minister’s announcements and what’s happening on the ground at the Ministry.
Since the May 2024 announcement, we have yet to see any tangible progress. Our projects are sitting on the Ministry’s desk, and while we’ve been told there’s a new way of assessing projects, no details have been shared with us. This unprecedented delay has fostered an environment of competition rather than the much-needed collaboration among community housing providers.
Furthermore, we had hoped that emergency housing savings would be allocated towards more IRRS places, as long-term housing is the only viable solution for lasting impact. Instead, we’ve learned from Associate Housing Minister Potaka that these funds have been used elsewhere.

Think piece by Dwell CE Elizabeth Lester
A response to the governments ‘success’ in reaching emergency housing reduction targets
No-one wants to see Kiwi kids growing up in motels.
So in principle it’s hard to disagree with the Government’s move towards eliminating emergency housing as a long-term solution. But the changes in policy can only be deemed a success if they go hand in hand with an increase in the supply of social housing as an alternative to the motels.
So far the only people who have been tracked as successfully moving out of emergency housing and into permanent long-term homes, are moving into public housing builds that were funded under the last Government.
We only need to look at the 2023 NZ census data to see that the need for housing is staggering.
4,965 people in NZ are “without shelter”.
13,796 are in “temporary accommodation” such as emergency and transitional housing, marae, campgrounds, Women’s Refuge, or homeless shelters.
93,735 people are either in severely overcrowded accommodation or in uninhabitable housing due to a lack of basic amenities (e.g. a drinking water tap, kitchen sink, electricity, or working toilet).
These numbers are appalling.
It’s obvious the private market cannot provide the number of affordable homes that NZ needs. Despite property values having decreased in recent times, construction costs remain high and even private developers are struggling. According to the figures released by Statistics NZ last week, 49% fewer building consents were issued for new dwellings in Wellington City last year than the year before.
The Government has signalled that it wants to support community housing providers to build more. Yet the funding that has been announced for organisations like Dwell will provide for just 750 homes per year for the next two years. That won’t even keep up with the numbers who will join the social housing waitlist in that time.
Meanwhile Dwell’s build project funding applications are on hold at the Ministry (of Housing and Urban Development), and we’ve been given no answers on our proposed pipeline of projects.
So if there are not enough new public homes being built, and no temporary accommodation to plug the gap, where will people go? NZ is about to find out.
It’s too early to celebrate the progress on emergency housing. The real success will come when we build enough homes to house our homeless on a long-term basis and focus on the public housing infrastructure that New Zealand so desperately needs.
This article was first shared on LinkedIn on Wednesday 29 January 2025.

Access Radio interview with Dwell CE Liz Lester
In an interview with Access Radio, Liz talks about Dwell’s mahi; the importance of safe affordable housing in preventing negative health and social outcomes; and the current funding challenges we face to creating more homes for Wellingtonians desperately in need.

December 2024 - Summer Edition Newsletter
We're committed to keeping you informed throughout the year. Our seasonal newsletters will bring you timely updates for spring, summer, autumn, and winter, ensuring you're always in the loop with the latest news and updates relevant to each season. Don't miss out on our quarterly updates.
Read our Summer newsletter now to stay informed and connected with our community.

Our 2024 Tenant Survey results are in!
At Dwell Housing Trust, our vision is simple but powerful: creating thriving communities where residents can live well, be well, and do well. We're thrilled to share the results of our 2024 Tenant Satisfaction Survey, which shows we're turning this vision into reality.
What Our Tenants Are Saying
Our latest survey reveals extraordinary levels of satisfaction across all key areas:
100% satisfaction with staff communication and interaction
98% of tenants say moving into a Dwell home has improved their life
96% feel safe and secure in their homes
92% report their home contributes positively to their wellbeing
Real Voices, Real Impact
As one tenant from Te Aro Pa shared: "Ngā Mihi Dwell, my whānau love and still appreciate our home." This sentiment echoes across our communities, with another resident noting: "Dwell are one of the best most thoughtful housing providers."
Our Commitment
2025 will see us learning and improving our services but continuing to build on the great results reflected where Dwell residents can truly thrive.

October 2024 - Spring Edition Newsletter
We're committed to keeping you informed throughout the year. Our seasonal newsletters will bring you timely updates for spring, summer, autumn, and winter, ensuring you're always in the loop with the latest news and updates relevant to each season. Don't miss out on our quarterly updates.
Read our Spring newsletter now to stay informed and connected with our community.

May 2024 - Visit by ministers
On Friday 24 May 2024 we were very pleased to be able to show the Minister of Housing Chris Bishop and Minister of Social Housing Tama Potaka the construction of our 10 homes in Onepu Road, Kilbirnie and also our homes at Mahora Te Aroha.
During the visit the Ministers made further Budget 2024 announcements.
Dwell also appeared in a report about emergency accommodation on Newshub.

May 2024- New chief executive announcement
We are pleased to announce that Elizabeth Lester has been appointed as chief executive of Dwell Housing Trust. An experienced leader in the for-purpose sector, Elizabeth will start in the role on 15 July 2024.
The appointment follows a robust recruitment process that attracted a high calibre of applicants. Board Chair Michael Pead says, “we are delighted to welcome Elizabeth to the Dwell whānau as our new chief executive”.
Elizabeth brings leadership and management experience with charitable trusts to the role, most recently as general manager of the NZ Railways Staff Welfare Trust. She also brings the knowledge gained after working for many years in the commercial property industry. Her community involvement includes several years on the board of the Wellington Women’s House and as the current chair of the Mercy Villas Wellington Board.
Elizabeth replaces our current CE Alison Cadman who will be stepping out of the role in July. Alison and Elizabeth will begin a one-day a week handover transition from late-May.
Elizabeth is passionate about working on behalf of others to deliver Dwell’s mission to provide affordable, quality, secure homes where people can flourish.

February 2024- Haere rā to an exceptional leader
It is with a mix of emotions – sadness and gratitude – that we share news of Alison Cadman’s decision to step out of her role of Chief Executive at Dwell Housing Trust.
While we’re deeply saddened by her departure, we wholeheartedly support Alison’s choice to pursue new endeavours and opportunities, knowing she leaves Dwell in a strong position.
We are grateful for Alison’s remarkable vision, passion and dedication that have been instrumental in shaping the organisation. All of us at Dwell would like to acknowledge her significant achievements and the legacy that she leaves us. Her amazing contribution to Dwell and to community housing in Aotearoa/New Zealand is something that will endure for decades to come. Her dedication and hard work provided many people with one of our most fundamental needs – a home.
The Dwell Board is focused on recruiting a suitable successor to Alison, who will keep Dwell doing what it does so well and moving forward. The recruitment process has commenced, and advertisements will appear shortly in relevant media outlets. Alison has agreed to remain in the role until a new CE is found and a handover can take place.
While Alison’s departure is a loss our highly competent and skilled team, supported by an experienced board, will ensure Dwell will continue to flourish and work to provide even more healthy, secure, affordable homes and honour Alison’s legacy.

December 2023 – Annual report published
It’s been another busy year for Dwell. Read all about what we’ve been up to and how our latest Kilbirnie development, Mahora Te Aroha, is impacting its new residents in the 2022-2023 annual report.

November 2023 – Tenant survey results
Dwell is pleased to share some results from our annual tenant survey report. 97% of our tenants were happy with the service they receive from us in 2023. It reflects the mahi and ongoing support provided by the Dwell team.
Our tenant survey helps Dwell to keep doing our best for the people who live in our homes. We always value their feedback and opinions to help us continue to work hard on their behalf so they can flourish!

October 2023 – Onepu Road Project is on a roll
“The team has cut our teeth on the previous projects in Kilbirnie, so working together on this one has been so smooth'“
Dwell Projects Manager Ingrid Downey describes how their latest project is such a great place for tenants to create their stable, affordable home.

August 2023 – Dwell featured in an article on Newsroom
“community housing providers embody ‘the pioneering, exploring innovative spirit’”
Dwell and CE Alison Cadman are featured in an article on Newsroom called To solve our housing crisis, let’s learn from what’s already working.

August 2023 – Dwell featured in an article in The Post
“It is perhaps the most precious thing given to him by a stable home: possibility”
Dwell, and some of the tenants of its new Mahora Te Aroha development, is featured in an article in The Post called Welcome to the new community: The changing face of social housing.

August 2023 – Auction fundraiser for Dwell
The New Zealand Institute of Building are turning 40 this year and, as part of their celebrations, they are raising funds for Dwell.
In Wellington on Thursday 3rd August they we will be raising money through 40 donated items by silent and Trademe auctions and all proceeds from the auction will be donated to Dwell.
Auction items include services from Design Group Stapleton Elliott, Morden and Envelope Engineering, NZ Institute of Building Golf Team, Native Plants voucher thanks to Naylor Love and a Stanley 3 piece tool pack thanks to Maycroft plus a number mystery items.
Please support this and Dwell's mahi by attending the event or bidding on the auctions. Trademe Auctions will be live on the event listing prior to the event for bidding. For more details and to register go to the event page.
Ngā mihi nui New Zealand Institute of Building!

July 2023 – Mahora Te Aroha opening
Dwell is delighted to share the news that after recently officially opening the doors to tenants at Mahora Te Aroha - our new 19 homes located in Kilbirnie, South Wellington - the homes are now full. A total of 38 people now have warm, healthy, stable and safe homes.
We’re thrilled, proud, grateful and humbled to be doing what we do at a time when affordable, healthy homes for people are so critically important.
We would like to take a moment to acknowledge this mahi alongside our partners and supporters Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Architects Novak+Middleton, Wilson Commercial Ltd, Maltbys Wellington, BNZ, Succeed Legal and many more.
Thank you all.
Read the press release about Mahora te Aroha.

April 2023 – Public Service award
Dwell was thrilled when CE Alison Cadman won the Public Service Award at the recent Wellingtonian of the Year aka The Wellys.
Susie Shaw from MC is shown below, presenting Alison with the award which recognises her huge commitment and significant work in supporting those in need of quality, affordable housing.
Well done Alison!

November 2022 – Annual report published
‘It is nice when you ring up and are greeted by name,’ she says. ‘You’re a person – not just a number with Dwell.’
This quote and much more in our latest annual report.

October 2022 – Tenant survey results
Dwell is pleased to announce the results of this year’s tenant survey. 100% of our tenants were happy with the service they receive from Dwell. The outcome of our tenant survey reflects the awesome mahi of our staff.
Our annual survey is one of the ways Dwell seeks feedback from the people who live in our homes. We need and value their experience and opinions. With this result and useful feedback received, we'll continue to work hard to achieve our goal of live well, be well, do well – Dwell!

September 2022 – Snapper card donation
Recently Dwell has had people donate the savings they have experienced due to reduced transport costs to us to pass onto our tenants. Snapper have kindly added to this support by donating Snapper cards and more credit enabling us to increase our impact and help more people.
Dwell is very appreciative of this donation. CE Alison Cadman is pictured below receiving the cards from Snapper's People and Culture lead Nick Churchouse. Our sincere thanks also go to Kerry Waddell, Snapper's Head of Public Transport.

August 2022 – Dwell’s next build project
Dwell’s next build project is for a 10 development in Kilbirnie. The architect’s images are below. You can follow the progress of the project at:
Many thanks to our great partners Architects Novak+Middleton for another clever and smart design. It won’t be long before these homes to be available to people in need of an affordable, warm, dry, safe home with a supportive landlord.

July 2022 – A visit to Vincents Art Workshop
Members of the Dwell team visited Vincents Art Workshop today to see tenant Lyz's work in their latest group show.
Lyz's painting "Galaxy" is painted with nail polish and we loved the depth of colour and shine.
Dwell's Finance Manager Renee is pictured with Lyz.

July 2022 – Dwell CE interviewed on Right at Home podcast
Right at Home is a podcast, hosted by Community Housing Aotearoa chief executive Vic Crockford, about how we can realise a fairer housing future for Aotearoa New Zealand.
The first episode featured two leaders in the community housing sector, Alison Cadman from Dwell Housing Trust and Stephen Hart from CORT (Community of Refuge Trust), who head up organisations that have been providing affordable homes for over 30 yrs.
Listen to the episode here:

July 2022 – Dwell nominated for Wellington Airport Regional Community Award
Dwell is among the community groups and volunteers from the Wellington City Council region who are finalists in the 2022 Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards. This is another opportunity to celebrate the "community" in our community housing!

June 2022 – Dwell Board win governance award
We are very proud of the Dwell Board as they won the Team Governance award at the NZ Mahi Aroha Awards 2022 on 22 June 2022! Yahoo! Such a special way to celebrate National Volunteer Week, especially with the theme being "time to shine". We are very pleased that we can shine a light on the great work our current and past trustees have done. Their skills and passion make a difference to our mahi and people in housing need. They are amazing volunteers.
Thank you to Volunteer Wellington, InternetNZ, Domain Name Commission and KPMG for a wonderful event and for recognising the mahi of our board and the other great organisations in our communities. Another D'well deserved award for Dwell!
Photo credit: Volunteer Wellington
Pictured: Mayor Andy Foster and Keith Taylor, Devon Diggle, Julie Motley, and Clare Aspinall from the Dwell board

June 2022 - Changes in the Dwell whānau
In February we welcomed Gabriela Montane as our new Tenancy Operations Manager. Gabriela moved to Wellington 15 years ago and has worked in the social and community services for most of that time. She was part of the Wellington City Council City Housing team before coming to Dwell. Her work there was focused on tenant welfare, and she later acted in a leadership role. Before City Housing, Gabriela worked with the resettlement team within Red Cross providing support to former refugees in the Wellington region. Gabriela has trained in Clinical Psychology and brings a wealth of expertise, experience and passion to our team. She is a mum of two and is fluent in Spanish. We are very lucky and grateful to have her with us on our journey.
In June we welcomed Silvia Matonse to the role of Team Administrator - and superstar. Silvia found Dwell had the perfect combination she was looking for to put her skills and experience to the service of the community by making sure people are well housed. Silvia originates from Mozambique and trained there as a tax lawyer. She came to Aotearoa six years ago and worked as an administrator in New Plymouth before moving to Wellington with her family this year. She is a mum of two and is fluent in Portuguese. Again we are incredibly lucky to have her in our team adding to our diversity and rich commitment. Her baking abilities are highly appreciated as well!
New staff members Gabriela Montane (left) and Silvia Matonse

May 2022 – Investiture ceremony at Government House
We are very proud of our CE Alison Cadman who this month attended an investiture ceremony at Government House to receive her ONZM from the Governor-General.
“Part of my motivation for accepting the award was to thank all those that are our “community” in community housing. All the people who have been and are part of the Dwell whanau and who come together to create homes.
I have enormous pride in all our achievements. Our greatest achievement though is we have provided people with one of the most important human needs. As the Governor-General said to me “you do the most important work, you give people a home”.

February 2022- Progressive Home Ownership Webinar Series
Dwell were recently invited as speakers on a webinar series hosted by Te Matapihi and Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga. The webinars were focused on helping providers and whānau to successfully engage with the Progressive Home Ownership Fund and aid people in their journey towards achieving homeownership.
Alison spoke on episode 7 ‘Key contracts and considerations’ and Ingrid spoke on episode 9 ‘Managing the build process’. You can view their sessions here.

January 2022 – Dwell in the media
Dwell was featured in an article in the DomPost and Stuff on 1 January 2022. The story highlights the work Dwell does in providing and developing homes for people in need in the Wellington region. It talks about the 40 years of Dwell providing homes where 'housing and community connect'. The article also highlights the work of our CE Alison Cadman and her NZ Honour. Head here to read this story.

January 2022 - New Years Honours List
Dwell’s Chief Executive, Alison Cadman was appointed an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit as part of the 2022 New Year's Honours.
We are proud that Alison is one of the 183 New Zealanders to be individually recognised in the New Year’s Honours. She is awarded an ONZM for her service to housing and the community.
The Prime Minister acknowledged the award recipients represent the determination and service exemplified by many New Zealanders during a tough year. The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet have written the following about Alison:
"Ms Alison Cadman has been contributing to community housing and housing in general since 2002. Ms Cadman was employed as a Community Development Advisor for Wellington City Council before assuming the position of Director of the Wellington Housing Trust (now Dwell Housing Trust) in 2003. She led the transformation of the Wellington Housing Trust from a small charity with a few homes to Dwell Housing Trust, a social enterprise that manages more than100 tenancies and houses approximately 250 people in need.
As Chief Executive of Dwell Housing Trust since 2013, she has increased the organisation's capability, enabling it to undertake new build developments, managing all aspects of the projects from early consultation stage through to design and construction. She was a National Council Member of Community Housing Aotearoa between 2004 and 2013, including time as Co-Chair. She has set up several housing forums, with a recent initiative being the Wellington Region Community Housing Provider Forum, and mentors other community housing professionals. She has given numerous presentations and written several articles, including co-authoring chapter nine of ‘Homes People Can Afford: How to improve housing in New Zealand’. Ms Cadman has been a Trustee of Newtown Ethical Lending Trust since 2015 and has been involved with other community organisations over several decades."
An official celebration will occur later this year at the Government House.