Te Aro Pā Trust
Te Aro Pā is Wellington’s first city papakāinga. Papakāinga translates as ‘nurturing place to return to’ and reflects a type of housing development that is located on multiply-owned Māori or ancestral land. Dwell is managing the homes on behalf of the Te Aro Pā Whenua Trust which represents the collective owners of the land.
They have developed a contemporary kāinga (village) made up of fourteen homes - ten three-bedroom units and four one-bedroom units. These are rental homes for young families, kaumātua and professionals who have a connection to the original Ngāti Ruanui and Taranaki Iwi people of Te Aro Pā.
Currently the papakāinga homes at Evans Bay Parade are fully tenanted. However, if you are interested in being on a waitlist for one of the homes please complete our expression of interest form and send it to us by e-mail to homes@dwell.org.nz or by mail to Dwell Housing Trust, PO Box 24179 Manners Street, Wellington 6142.
When a home becomes available we will contact you to see if you are still interested. If you are, Dwell will then ask the advisory committee of Te Aro Pā Trust to review the information you provide about your ancestral links to the original Ngāti Ruanui and Taranaki Iwi of Te Aro Pā.
If you think you are eligible for public housing, apply for the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) public housing register. For more information about this and how to apply please see the Work and Income website.
For further enquiries please email homes@dwell.org.nz or call us on 04 384 4854.