Rod Macdiarmid
Rod is the architectural adviser to the Dwell board. He derives great satisfaction from knowing that Dwell provides secure accommodation for around 150 people.
Rod trained as an architect in Auckland before moving to Wellington in the early 1980s. He heard about the Wellington Housing Trust through Wellington City Council planner Peter Healy, who had helped to establish it. Rod became a trustee in 1983 and has been involved with the trust ever since, staying in the role of trustee for over 25 years. Rod is now the architectural adviser to the Dwell board.
Rod provides much advice to the chief executive and board. When opportunities for more housing come up, Rod looks at the possibilities and explores the options, advising the trust on what action to take. A recent example is the Riverside Gardens redevelopment. Rod spent a lot time reviewing the homes being offered to Dwell and assisting Dwell to make decisions about which ones to purchase. He reviewed the working drawings and specifications and helped obtain the quality the trust wanted.
Rod believes strongly that 'decent housing is an inalienable human right'. What inspires him to continue his involvement is that the trust is constantly seeking to find new ways of acquiring properties to rent out to people who need housing. He derives great satisfaction from knowing that the trust now provides secure accommodation for around 150 people whose lives are often insecure or who live a hand-to-mouth existence. He also appreciates the support the organisation receives from socially concerned individuals and organisations in the wider community.
He has seen the trust move from an early model where it was very reliant on volunteers to get things done to the present situation where it is now professionally run. This was an essential change as government processes became more intricate, the number of houses grew and the challenge of managing them became increasingly complex. The conundrum that is hard to solve is increasing the service the trust can offer so more people can benefit from what Dwell can deliver.
Alison Cadman, Dwell's Chief Executive says, "Rod's contribution to our work is invaluable and we are so grateful to him for the time and energy he gives. Without his support we would not have been able to achieve as much as we have. The staff and board learn a great deal from Rod's input".