The next 40 years
Lessons from the past, thoughts for the future
He whakatauki, titoro whakamuri, kokiri whakamua.
Look back and reflect so we can move forward.
As we take our next steps into the next decade of our journey, a gaze into our past provides us with much to celebrate whilst a look into the future shows us that there is still so much to do.
Our predecessor organisation Wellington Housing Trust was a pioneer of community housing provision. In 1981 a group of Mt Victoria residents wanted to increase the amount of rental housing available to people on low incomes and decided to take matters into their own hands establishing a new charitable trust.
That kaupapa of creating and developing new ideas and methods, of people coming together to create homes, of innovation and flexibility, and of community building still runs strong in Dwell in 2021.
We have enormous pride in our achievements. Our greatest achievement though is we have provided probably thousands of people with one of the most important human needs – a safe and affordable home.
In October 2021 we manage 100 tenancies, we have a pipeline of over 60 more homes and other significant projects in the wings. Our goal is to be managing 250 homes by 2025 and we are on target to exceed this.
It’s a privilege to follow in the footsteps of those who came before us, to continue to fulfil our vision of providing more affordable homes to people in need and to be more than a landlord enabling our tenants to live well, be well and do well.
New Zealand’s housing crisis is not getting any better. Dwell’s skills and services are needed even more now than when it became a pioneer of community housing 40 years ago. Home by home, person by person, Dwell is building better futures. We are an organisation needed at this time and this is our time.
Alison Cadman - Dwell CE
October 2021